Conference Etiquette and Instructions

I. The conference will take place on Microsoft Teams. We also enclose a short Microsoft Teams guide in a separate file. If you have any further technical questions or problems, please, contact us via email.

II. You will be able to share your Power Point presentation or other media through the “SHARE SCREEN” option on Microsoft Teams. If you have any concerns regarding screen sharing, please, contact us beforehand (preferably the chair of your session).

III. Paper presentations will take place in panels of three or four speakers. Each participant will have 20 minutes to present. The presentations will be followed by approximately 30 minutes of discussion at the end of the panel.

IV. Please, make sure to unmute your microphone and turn your camera on anytime you speak to make the experience more personal and to aid comprehension. For these reasons, we would like to encourage you to turn your camera on also while presenting your paper.

V. Please, keep your microphone muted whenever you don’t speak – this will save us background noise. We would also like to encourage you to keep your camera off except when speaking in order not to overload the platform.

VI. If you are in a noisy place, consider using earphones to reduce background noise also when you speak.

VII. To ask a question during discussion, use the “RAISE HAND” option or signal your intention in the chat.  Please, note that the chat option might be unavailable to some participants; in that case click on the “RAISE HAND” symbol. The session’s chair will moderate the discussion, calling on people in the order in which they raised their hand or wrote in the chat. In this way, we want to make sure that everyone can take part in the discussion and, at the same time, avoid participants interrupting one another.

VIII. Please, respect your fellow presenters: do not take screengrabs of their presentations or record them without their permission.

IX. Please, be kind and considerate towards other participants. Avoid language that could be received as offensive or discriminatory.

X. In case of any problems, please, do not hesitate to contact us.